• #106 | The psychological immune system - 4 ways to build it? (Rebroadcast)

  • Welcoming the Child Jesus this Christmas season

Who we are

Hearts+Minds is an online platform for women that goes beyond the superficial. We are a group of women who want to uplift and inspire others, no matter where they are in their daily life.

What we do

Through regular blog posts, podcasts and meet-ups across Ireland, we help women to find respite, draw inspiration, and discover community, so we can all see the extraordinary in the ordinary. 

Spirituality Sylvia Speer Spirituality Sylvia Speer

Are anxiety levels overwhelming you?

It’s easy to think it's spring when the days begin to get sunny and a warm breeze wafts over your skin.

Not as easy when hailstones are bopping off your hat and coat. But that has been the extremes of weather this past week in Donegal.

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Spirituality Anne Gormley Spirituality Anne Gormley

The benefits of caring for our older loved ones

I spent a good deal of time looking after my parents as they got older. And sometimes (because of the particular time and situation) it used to seem as if it had been going on since forever. I know that I am exaggerating as I say that. Because I never lived with them when they got older. I might stay for a night or two, and then come and go.

So, while I carried out this ‘job’ many times whinging and complaining a lot, the time came when I learned to accept it, and yes embrace it.

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Spirituality Maire Cassidy and Catherine McMahon Spirituality Maire Cassidy and Catherine McMahon

Podcast #22 | What is Holy Week?

God comes to meet us is a well-known phrase of Pope Francis. With no mass or religious ceremonies over the Easter period, it can feel as if I cannot go to meet Him. How can we make the most of the end of Lent and Easter? Holy Week provides us with an opportunity to do precisely that.

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Spirituality Sylvia Speer Spirituality Sylvia Speer

What if I can’t sleep?

There’s nothing quite like a good night’s sleep. You waken well-rested and ready to face the day’s challenge. Yet sometimes the effort of trying to get a good night’s sleep can tire us out; plumping pillows… right room temperature… no screens before bed…warm milk…soothing app…good book (but not too good).

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Endorsed by Hearts + Minds

  • Online Postgraduate Studies in Marriage, Education & Family

    The aim of the Postgraduate Degree in Marriage and Family Education is to provide a solid anthropological foundation, based on which students will acquire the tools required to understand human dignity, marriage and the family.


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