How to live this Holy Week well

Photo by June O on Unsplash

Here we are in Holy Week, on the cusp of Easter. In a sense, this final week of Lent is like that last final stretch of a marathon; we are nearly there and the end is in sight.

Yet this is also the time when we might feel most tempted to give up on those resolutions we’ve set ourselves because…well it’s almost Easter. However, if we want to fully realise the impact of Christ’s resurrection on our lives, we need to pick up our cross alongside Him this week.

Here are some suggestions and resources we’ve compiled to help us live Holy Week close to Our Lord.

Follow the liturgy

If we follow the liturgy set out by the Church for Holy Week, attending the different services and Masses when we can, then already we’re on the way to accompanying Jesus closely. If you want to get a better grasp on what Holy Week is all about, start with this podcast from Hearts+Minds, where Máire and Catherine have a great discussion about the meaning and significance behind this time. 

If you’re after some reading, this is a great article by our friends at Called to More outlining the different aspects to Holy Week and the significance of each day. Another great resource they’ve created is this accompanying video for the Easter Triduum.

Read the Gospel

Although reading the Gospel is always a great idea if we want to know more about the life of Jesus, it is especially true in Holy Week when we can read what is happening to Him day by day. The Gospels give us an incredible amount of detail of the events building up to the crucifixion and death of our Lord. 

These Gospel commentaries from Bishop Barron at Word on Fire are pithy but pack a punch. They’re especially useful if you want something meaningful to consider or pray about first thing in the morning, but are time limited.

For those of you with teenage children or nieces and nephews, the iPray with the Gospel app is a brilliant resource that offers short and relatable commentaries with ideas and stories that can help to spark a personal conversation with Our Lord in prayer.

Cultivate silence

Although a week of absolute silence may be terribly impractical and quite frankly, almost impossible for people depending on their particular circumstances and responsibilities, there are ways we can try and cultivate some interior silence to really contemplate the events of Holy Week and journey alongside Jesus. It could be simple things, like turning off the radio while we work or resist the urge to have the TV on as background noise. Putting our phone away for fixed amounts of time as well can reap huge benefits too, when it comes to limiting distractions.

Silence is almost definitely not an option if you have young children around but this video created by Catholic All Year outlines some of the things you can do with your family to foster a sense of meaning and reverence in your home this Holy Week. Although they’re not silent activities, they definitely encourage us to put the focus firmly on Christ.

Wishing you all a blessed Holy Week and a joyful Easter season!


Podcast #68 | What Does Easter Mean to Us?


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