• #106 | The psychological immune system - 4 ways to build it? (Rebroadcast)

  • Welcoming the Child Jesus this Christmas season

Who we are

Hearts+Minds is an online platform for women that goes beyond the superficial. We are a group of women who want to uplift and inspire others, no matter where they are in their daily life.

What we do

Through regular blog posts, podcasts and meet-ups across Ireland, we help women to find respite, draw inspiration, and discover community, so we can all see the extraordinary in the ordinary. 

Relationships Anne Gormley Relationships Anne Gormley

Can conflict be a space of growth?

I think there are only a small number of people who can embrace conflict and welcome it with open arms. Instead, most of us want to run at the first hint of a conflict. Conflict however is an integral part of everyday relations. It is endemic in every society and like everything else in life has a good and a bad side to it. However, conflict, when used wisely, can provide a huge opportunity for change and development.

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Relationships Anne Gormley Relationships Anne Gormley

Why you should show up even when you don’t feel like it

Show up for the kids. Show up for one another. Show up for your friends. Show up because it’s worthwhile - even though you may not see the results of your ‘showing up’ right now. Sooner or later the outcome of all this will reveal itself in a life that is positive, inspiring and that will undoubtedly bear fruit in the lives of the people around you.

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Endorsed by Hearts + Minds

  • Online Postgraduate Studies in Marriage, Education & Family

    The aim of the Postgraduate Degree in Marriage and Family Education is to provide a solid anthropological foundation, based on which students will acquire the tools required to understand human dignity, marriage and the family.


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